Review management, review feedback apps and more!

Platform Features

Know what customers say

Aggregated reviews from all the top review websites. Know what your customers are saying

Generate positive reviews

Generate a steady flow of positive reviews using several review request tools

Real-time review alerts

Get your reviews emailed to you in real-time as they get posted to the top review websites

Manage online reviews

Manage and quickly respond to reviews from all the top review websites in one dashboard

Promote positive reviews

Promote positive reviews to social media from your dashboard with a click of the mouse

Spy on competitors

Know your competitors. Monitor the feedback and reviews your competitors are getting from customers

Email review requests

Generate more positive reviews by requesting reviews through our email review request tool

Mobile review apps

Create custom review apps to spawn feedback from customers before they leave your store

Manage online profiles

Make sure all your online profiles are up to date with accurate information about your business